Breathing is one of the most important parts of freediving. Breathing is when we mentally prepare for diving, and relaxation plays a major role in this process. Therefore, it is very important that we spend the last few minutes in the most relaxed state possible. Our breathing position in the water affects our diving.
Although the methods used do not differ greatly in the amount of breathing, it is more important in which position the free diver feels comfortable and can concentrate, rather than the pros and cons.
In general, there are 3 different breathing positions;
This is normally the first technique that beginner freedivers learn. Beginners often try to get used to relaxation, especially in open water, and this position is the least challenging and more stable. After all, we do not need to exert extra coordination and power to breathe from the snorkel.
As we gain more experience and begin to dive deeper, we can use more than one different method, experimenting with different breathing methods. There are a significant number of deep freedivers who dive even to 100+ meters and do snorkeling and surface breathing, so you shouldn't think this position is good for advanced freediving.
Some advantages:
1- Lying face down on the surface provides maximum physical relaxation
2- Having your face (and ears) in the water keeps away a lot of noise and distractions (for example, your friends are talking while you're getting ready).
3- The contact of your face with water awakens the diving reflex faster.
Some disadvantages:
1-Some free divers think that they can take a bigger diving breath without a snorkel, but there is no scientific proof of this.
2-Because packing with snorkel is more complicated, those who "pack" generally do not prefer to breathe with snorkel.
3-When diving too deep, you may not want to have the snorkel with you during the dive, so you may need to leave it on the surface or fix it to the buoy. You can remind your dive buddy to pick it up before it sinks or flies away.
Some free divers cling to the float while breathing at the surface, while others sit on a pool of sausages.
Some advantages;
1-Sitting on a sausage can be very comfortable for many people
2-You don't need to worry about fixing the snorkel after your last breath.
3-Most freedivers think they can take a bigger breath out of the snorkel, especially with the sausage variation (since their upper body is higher than the water, but there isn't much scientific evidence for that either)
Some disadvantages
1- Holding onto the buoy for support requires some effort and is one of the least physically relaxing positions.
2- For pool sausage users: The sausages are tied to the buoys with ropes, which often causes the freediver to trip over them and prevent them from starting. It takes some practice to learn how to keep the noodle on the surface to keep it from sticking to it.
3- Getting your head completely out of the water does not prevent the noise; If you are easily distracted or bothered by outside noises, this may not work for you
Some people use travel pillows or pool sausages for extra support of the head and feet.
Some advantages:
1- Having a flat surface can be very relaxing.
2- Many free divers think that they can get more air this way, but there is no scientific proof.
3- No need to worry about fixing your snorkel after your last breath
Some disadvantages:
1- This may not work if you are diving in difficult wave conditions because the water will constantly splash.
2- If you lose your position on the buoy and you have a friend holding you in the right position you cannot control your starting point. If you have surface ropes around, you can easily get stuck while duck diving.
3- If you use a pillow or sausage, the strings holding them to the buoy may get tangled in them.
4- If you are wearing a heavy neck weight, you may feel it putting pressure on your throat.
To repeat: Although the methods used do not differ greatly in the amount of breathing, the pros and cons are more important than the pros and cons, in which position the free diver feels comfortable and able to concentrate.